Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wind Professionals Trust AWEA

Wind resource professionals trust the AWEA Wind Resource & Project Energy Assessment Workshop to deliver compelling and advanced resource assessment information. And no other event offers such superior networking with a resource assessment focus.

Wind experts share their knowledge of the industry’s evolving needs, and describe state-of-the-art techniques and technologies that use wind assessment data to make wind energy projects possible. The first day’s educational program will dig into the remaining challenges of what has become the consistently applied and traditional wind assessment and energy analysis. On day two, the focus shifts from the traditional challenges and explores “new frontiers” including operational assessment, advances in modeling techniques, and remote sensing. Each day finishes with unparalleled networking and relationship-building.

NOTE : This workshop is technical in nature. If you are new to the wind resource assessment community, consider attending the pre-conference seminar on Monday, September 13: Resource Assessment 101.

Attend this workshop and:
Learn best practices in commonly-used wind resource assessment methods, and their corresponding uncertainties
Explore the extension of annual energy assessment methods to the temporal realm of monthly, hourly, and the projected volatility of energy, hour by hour
Discover methods under development to reconcile projected energy from actual energy generated, whether due to natural wind variability or a need for improved analytical methods
Learn the latest industry benchmarks on project availability
Understand how remote sensing and advanced computation modeling are moving from interesting technologies to tools actually being used in project assessments and accepted by financiers
Who should attend?

Wind Assessors
Project Developers/Owners
Turbine Manufacturers
Those needing insight into the detailed nature of wind energy analysis
AWEA member companies that attended past AWEA Wind Resource & Project Energy Assessment Workshops:

Iberdrola Renewables USA
RES Americas Inc.
Horizon Wind Energy
Acciona Energy North America
DNV Renewables
AWS Truewind, LLC
Garrad Hassan
NextEra Energy

FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION, GO TO: www.awea.org/events/wra10/

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